Episode 18: Liz Skidmore of Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues (PGTI) and NERCC discusses fulfilling a mission to recruit & promote women in the trades.

In episode 18 of the Build Better podcast, Anastasia welcomes Elizabeth Skidmore, business representative with the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters (NASRCC), and co-founder of the Policy Group on Tradeswomen's Issues (PGTI).  Skidmore talks about the achievements that have been made in recruiting and hiring women in the trades.

In episode 18 of the Build Better podcast, Anastasia welcomes Elizabeth Skidmore, a business representative with the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters (NASRCC), and co-founder of the Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues (PGTI).

Skidmore talks about the achievements that have been made in recruiting and hiring women in the trades. She also shares how she and many others are working to reach upcoming goals with events and programs such as Mass Girls in Trades and Build A Life, and by creating concrete guidelines for industry professionals to follow.

Special thanks to Commodore Builders for sponsoring Episode 19 of our podcast!